суббота, 1 августа 2015 г.

What's New

In development for 2013
- Mobile editions: iPad, iPhone, Android
- OT word studies: Hebrew and Greek
- OT translation helps: Hebrew and Greek

- Section headings (in light gray) and cross references (in light blue), for certain versions

- Advanced section: an option for two "My Translation" columns, for translating the Hebrew OT and the Greek OT, side-by-side

- Bible GT is our new name (it's the name for our site, our app in Facebook, and our forthcoming mobile apps)

- Version updates: NIV 2011, ESV 2011

- Performance update for members with hundreds of notes

- Beginner section: Westcott Hort, Phonetic Editions (Erasmus, Koine, Modern)
- Advanced section: Phonetics (Erasmus, Koine, Modern)
- Advanced section: Lessons update, adding more "how to" content, plus an Example Sentence

- Beginner section: 108 versions, 59 languages
- Intermediate section: verse lists based upon Westcott-Hort
- Advanced section: Westcott-Hort Greek text, with parts-of-speech color coding
- Advanced section: NA27 Greek text

2010 in review: new features, now online
- Beginner section: 82 versions, 44 languages
- Beginner section: automatically display a local-language version
- Beginner section: print my friends’ notes as endnotes
- Advanced section: synchronized scrolling with the beginner section
- Advanced section: print one’s translation alongside other versions
- Advanced section: print translation helps including verse details
- Share with specific GT friends, in a very controlled fashion
- Share with FB Bible friends, for a wider distribution of content
- Hourly Bible tweets/texts, in 100 versions, 49 languages

Bible tweets and texts throughout the day. 100 versions, 49 languages, global outreach.

Q-and-A interview about this on-going project.

- Three levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced--a better fit for everyone in the church
- When beginner and advance levels are open, they scroll together--encouraging reading and translating with context in mind
- "Printer-friendly format" and "print to pdf" are much more capable than before--making it easier to print out a chapter, for sharing at church and elsewhere
- Merge your Great Treasures and Facebook Bible notes, if you wish--so you have the option of seeing and making notes in both places.
- Share your notes with your Great Treasures friends; and with your Facebook friends too, if you so choose--totally in your control; turn it on and off with ease
- Mobile edition for mobile browsers, including Safari on iPhone
- New column (in the advanced section) exclusively for your translation--for translating a passage more effectively, as a whole

The site has a new name, a new look, and new features. Great Treasures better describes what the site is all about: great treasures in the scriptures. The new look encourages better Bible study practices, such as keeping context in mind while doing a word study. New features include:
- 82 versions (including NIV and multiple Greek texts), up to 6 at a time—to better understand what is written
- 3 levels: chapter study, word study, Greek study—to better fit you, your study style, your strengths
- 5 kinds of notes: book, chapter, verse, word study, translation—to express yourself, really get it, prepare to share with others
- 7 note commands: add, edit, delete, move, min/max, undo, download—to give you full control
- 2-step note sharing: permit (others); choose (to see)—to safely share with others you know
- 4 servers and a 100-megabit internet connection—to support you in staying in flow, considering the scriptures

Here's what's new for the Bible app on Facebook:
- 80 versions (including NIV and multiple Greek texts), up to 2 at a time—to better understand what is written
- 3 kinds of notes: book, chapter, verse
- 6 note commands: add, edit, delete, move, min/max, undo—to give you full control
- Share notes with friends—to grow and help others grow
- Publish a note and verse to your news feed—to make it easier to share the scriptures with others
- 4 servers and a 100-megabit internet connection—to support you in staying in flow, considering the scriptures

Bible in Facebook: major update
- Click and directly edit notes
- See your notes and your friends' notes
- Click to see your friends' activities: recent chapters, recent notes
- Invite your friends who have not yet added the Bible app

User-interface advances
- Streamlines Greek support with new Greek "Tools" menu: Graded Reader, Vocabulary, Lessons
- Adds new coverage of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Updates the how-to guide

English Standard Version (ESV, 2001)

Listen: Greek NT audio, modern pronunciation

User-interface advances
- Streamlines main menu and account links, to increase the amount of screen real estate dedicated to the Scriptures themselves
- Emphasizes the three actions members use most: Read, Translate, Word Study
- Adds version-specific "Font" and "Size" menu actions, for a better online reading experience

Vocabulary builder: new "Words" pane, far right side
- Builds vocabulary that sticks, woven within context
- Shows the lexical forms of the words in a chapter
- Options: ordering, vocabulary-building level

Graded Reader (in '11: click versions, then Greek | Westcott-Hort Graded Reader)
- Adjusts itself to better fit you, help you grow
- Adjusts by the number of times a word occurs in the NT: choose level you want, such as 40-49x and 100-249x
- Or adjusts by the Basics of Biblical Greek textbook chapters you have studied, such as chapters 4-8 plus 16

Syllables (ex.am.ple) and words parts (walk|ing)
- Knocks down the "it's hard to read aloud" barrier, for the hard part about reading aloud is learning to see the syllable breaks within Greek words (especially long ones)
- Unveils word parts, so you can spot the nuances of a form and its meaning
- Option: turn off dots and bars (click on the "Dots/Bars" menu and select "No Dots/Bars"

Translation tips: expanded
- Encourages learning verb forms within context
- Supplies translation tips for every verb and participle

Lessons: new menu, in the Greek and Reader panes
- Smooths the way for beginners to begin (and for returning students to brush up)
- 4 alphabet lessons + 8 grammar lessons
- New content: the alphabet song
- Links for all specialized terms (such as "deponent"), from the site, directly to the corresponding lesson materials

Listen: Greek NT audio, Erasmus' pronunciation

Bible in Facebook
- Encourages reading the Scriptures with friends; share notes; see what your friends are reading
- Option: displays your notes from Great Treasures, too

Greek Word Study: new mouseover action, in the KJV and Greek panes
- Pulls together word-study resources for you, automatically
- Includes short definition, long definition, parallel verse lists in Greek (Tischendorf) and English (KJV), word family, specific form, form table

Short definitions
- Delivers definitions based solely upon Biblical references
- Short definitions are based upon Bullinger's Lexicon, improved with: a complete reorganization so that definitions are by Greek word; transliterations and Strong's numbers; new verse lists (generated with software, to ensure accuracy and completeness)

Long definitions
- Delivers a broader lexical consideration of each word, based upon both
- Long definitions are based upon Thayer's Lexicon, improved transliterations and Strong's numbers

New American Standard Bible (NASB, 1995)

Translation: a major section with in the site
- Does the behind-the-scenes lookup work, giving you more time to consider the Scriptures themselves
- Displays Greek text and baseline versions
- Saves your translation, so you can refer to it at any time
...word by word
...rough translation
...smooth translation
...translation notes
- Plus print to pdf; export as a spreadsheet

Add your own notes while your read
- Adding notes is another vital way to interact with the text
- Display multiple Bible versions, by chapter--with your notes--in parallel columns that scroll in-sync alongside each other
- Add notes for a verse, for a chapter (by mousing over the chapter number), for a book (by mousing over the book name)
- Write one note and see it displayed alongside many references (that is to say: make one note; enter a list of Bible references; and that note will appear alongside each of those references)
- Plus display options to better fit your style
- Plus print to pdf; export as a spreadsheet

Color-coded Greek text
- Engages visual learners
- Makes it easier to navigate around often-lengthy Greek sentences
- Demystifies verbs (red) vs. participles (red with a blue ending)
- Option: click on the "Colors" menu and select "No color"

Display a chapter at a time, in side-by-side columns
- Read a chapter in multiple versions
- Display multiple Bible versions, by chapter, in parallel columns that scroll in-sync alongside each other

Four initial versions
- King James
- American Standard
- Spanish Reina
- Chinese Union

The team began working together.


©2004-2012 TheBible.org All rights reserved worldwide.

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